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Thứ Sáu, 21 tháng 11, 2014

Work = taking initiatives and take the responsibility !
If you can't, just quit !
  • Neu bon e thay thoo gian k work out thi nen reallocate lai task
    Vd nhu minh ban thi chau nen take over
    Anyway that's how designer team should work
    And again, communicate with your editor or leaders when you're not sure about anything or things aren't going as planned
    Ask me questions. In the end I'll have to approve your designs so if they don't look good I'll have to ask you guys to redesign
  • Sapphire To

    Vì em với Minh đều là high schoolar nên đúng là từ weekend mới có thể làm việc full time đc. Nên thật sự nếu cứ urge trong school days liên tục tụi em cũng k reply ngay hay ask ngay đc
  • Anh Tran
    Anh Tran

    Sorry e c ko muon lam kho e nhung that shouldn't be an excuse. Neu ban than cac e thay time management co Van de de ma anh huong den the team that should have been the first thing you informed your team leaders and members

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